That's because anything Andre touches turns into a steaming pile of burning trash (many, many examples from the past...). He thinks he "outsmarted" normal ve-tokens, yet he's building a house of cards which holds no additional value other than a novel mechanism to do the exact same thing.

The same could be said of OHM and its forks really, which are nothing more than glorified hedge funds, and the "interest" is nothing but stock splits which confused people until they realize they've been had.

I'm glad you're not one of those people salivating over anything with "Andre" near it. Shows you come to your own conclusions.

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Thank you for your comment! I agree there’s a good degree of Ponzinomics going on both here and in OHM.

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Even with non-transferable locked positions, it's still possible to financialize away the locking--this is exactly what Convex does, replacing a variable, up-to-4-year locking period with a fixed 16 week one. I would expect the trading market for NFTs of locked positions to be very illiquid (b/c things like AMM pools don't really work w/NFTs) so ultimately I'd expect a Convex-style financialization to arise for the ve(3,3) mechanism too that allows greater fungibility. There might be an interesting game to play balancing the locked/unlocked ratio for maximum profit versus maximum control.

And you are completely correct that locked inflation is still inflation :).

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Thanks for your comment! I don't think this is *exactly* what Convex does. The conversion from CRV to cvxCRV is irreversible (you never get your CRV or veCRV back), whereas in ve(3, 3), you get your original tokens back at the end of the lock period so long as you have the NFT.

I agree with you though that the NFT market will be less liquid. Maybe this will actually spur development of NFT AMMs? ;-)

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I didn't mean that ve(3,3) was the same as Convex, I just meant "Convex is exactly a mechanism that financializes away the locking period".

I don't think NFT AMMs will really ever be much of a thing. Instead, they'll be fractionalized and tranched to form "NFT ETFs" or some similar horror, and those things will then be amenable for use in AMMs.

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